1. Overview
  2. Chat Interface & Suggestions
  3. Using Klu with Jira Integration

Using Klu with Jira Integration

What is Jira?

Jira is a powerful project management tool developed by Atlassian, primarily used for tracking issues, bugs, and project progress. It allows teams to plan, track, and manage agile software development projects effectively. With features like customizable workflows, issue tracking, and reporting, Jira helps teams stay organized and focused on their goals.

What You Can Do with Klu and Jira

Integrating Klu with Jira enhances your project management experience by allowing you to:

  • Create and Manage Issues: Easily create new issues directly from Klu and manage existing ones.
  • Track Project Progress: Quickly check the status of projects and individual tasks.
  • Collaborate Seamlessly: Share updates and important information with your team via Slack.
  • Fetch and Edit Information: Retrieve issue details, edit them as needed, and keep everything in sync.

Workflow: How to Use Klu with Jira

  1. Fetching Issues

    • Query: "Show me my recent issues in Jira."
    • Workflow:
      • Klu retrieves a list of your recent issues from Jira.
      • You can review the list and prioritize your tasks.
  2. Creating a New Issue

    • Query: "Create a new issue in Jira: [Title] - [Description] - [Assignee] - [Priority]."
    • Workflow:
      • Klu creates the issue in Jira based on your input.
      • If you provide a project key, the issue is created immediately. If not, Klu prompts you to select a project from a list.
      • Example: "Create issue: Bug in login feature - [Description] - [Assignee] - [Priority]."
  3. Checking Issue Status

    • Query: "What is the status of issue [Issue Key]?"
    • Workflow:
      • Klu fetches the status of the specified issue from Jira.
      • You receive an update on the issue's progress, allowing you to take necessary actions.
  4. Pulling Information from Jira

    • Query: "Fetch details for issue [Issue Key]."
    • Workflow:
      • Klu retrieves detailed information about the specified issue, including its description, status, assignee, and comments.
      • This allows you to stay informed about the issue without needing to log into Jira.
  5. Generating Reports

    • Query: "Generate a report of all issues in the [Project Name]."
    • Workflow:
      • Klu compiles a report of all issues related to the specified project.
      • You can review the report for insights into project progress and team workload.
  6. Sending Updates to Slack

    • Query: "Send an update about issue [Issue Key] to Slack #product."
    • Workflow:
      • After checking or editing an issue, you can send a quick update to your team in Slack.
      • Example: "Send an update about the 'Fix login bug' task to Slack."
      • Klu sends the message, keeping your team informed and engaged.
  7. Creating Tasks from Other Sources

    • Query: "Create a task in Jira from the summary of my workdoc."
    • Workflow:
      • Klu retrieves the summary from a connected workdoc and creates a new task in Jira based on that information.
      • Example: "Create a task in Jira from the work
  8. Creating Tasks from Other Sources
      • Query: "Create a task in Jira from the summary of my workdoc."
      • Workflow:
        • Klu retrieves the summary from a connected workdoc and creates a new task in Jira based on that information.
        • Example: "Create a task in Jira from the workdoc summary for the product launch."
        • Klu will then confirm the task creation and provide a link to the new Jira issue.

    Example Scenarios

    1. Finding and Sharing an Issue:

      • Action: A user wants to find a specific issue in Jira and share it with a colleague.
      • Steps:
        • Query: "Search for issue KLU-123."
        • Klu retrieves the issue details.
        • Convert to a message: "I found the issue KLU-123 regarding the login bug."
        • Send to Slack: "Send message to [Colleague]: [Link to Issue]."
    2. Creating a New Issue:

      • Action: A user wants to create a new issue based on a recent bug report.
      • Steps:
        • Query: "Create a new issue in Jira: Bug in login feature - [Description] - [Assignee] - [Priority]."
        • Klu creates the issue and confirms: "Issue created successfully. [Link to Issue]."
    3. Checking Issue Status:

      • Action: A user wants to check the status of a specific issue.
      • Steps:
        • Query: "What is the status of issue KLU-456?"
        • Klu retrieves the status and responds: "The status of issue KLU - 456 is 'In Progress."
        • The user can then decide whether to follow up with the assignee or take further action.
    4. Reviewing Recent Issues:

      • Action: A project manager wants to review recent issues to assess team workload.
      • Steps:
        • Query: "List my recent issues in Jira."
        • Klu displays the recent issues, allowing the manager to prioritize follow-ups and allocate resources effectively.
    5. Creating a Task from a Workdoc Summary:

      • Action: A user wants to create a task based on a summary from a workdoc.
      • Steps:
        • Query: "Summarize the workdoc for the product launch."
        • After reviewing the summary, the user can create a task: "Create a task in Jira from the workdoc summary for the product launch."
        • Klu confirms the task creation and provides a link to the new Jira issue.
    6. Cycle Review and Planning:

      • Action: At the end of a cycle, the user wants to review tasks.
      • Steps:
        • Query: "What tasks were completed in the last cycle?"
        • Klu retrieves the completed tasks and summarizes them: "We completed the following tasks: [List of Tasks]."
        • The user can discuss any unfinished tasks and plan for the next cycle.


Klu’s integration with Jira provides a powerful way to manage tasks, track project progress, and collaborate with your team. By leveraging Klu’s capabilities

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