1. Overview
  2. Chat Interface & Suggestions
  3. Using Klu Chat with Linear Integration

Using Klu Chat with Linear Integration

Klu enhances your experience with Linear by allowing you to manage issues, track projects, and oversee cycles directly from the chat interface. Here’s how you can leverage this integration:

1. Managing Issues

  • Overview:
    Issues in Linear represent individual tasks, bugs, or feature requests that teams track from creation to completion. They can be assigned, prioritized, labeled, and updated in real-time.

  • Query:
    "Create a new issue in Linear: [Title] - [Description] - [Assignee] - [Priority]"

  • Workflow:

    • A user can create an issue directly from Klu chat.
    • After creating the issue, the user can share the issue link in Slack for team visibility.
    • Example: "I created a new issue in Linear for the bug found in the app, send this to Slack #product."
  • Cross-App Action:

    • If a user receives an email in Gmail about a bug, they can summarize the email and create a Linear issue directly from Klu chat.
    • Example: "Create issue: Bug in login feature - [Summary from Email] - [Assignee]"

2. Tracking Projects

  • Overview:
    Projects in Linear group related issues under a common goal, offering a high-level view of progress.

  • Query:
    "Show me the progress of the [Project Name] in Linear."

  • Workflow:

    • Users can check the status of a project and discuss it in Klu chat.
    • If the project is behind schedule, they can create a follow-up task in Linear.
    • Example: "The project is behind schedule. Let's create a task to address the blockers."

3. Managing Cycles

  • Overview:
    Cycles in Linear are time-boxed periods (like sprints) where teams focus on completing specific tasks. Unfinished work rolls over to future cycles, and Linear helps predict delays based on past performance.

  • Query:
    "What tasks are in the current cycle?"

  • Workflow:

    • Users can review tasks in the current cycle and discuss priorities in Klu chat.
    • If tasks are not completed, they can roll over to the next cycle.
    • Example: "We need to roll over the unfinished tasks to the next cycle."
  • Cross-App Action:

    • Users can create a Notion page summarizing the cycle's outcomes and share it with the team.
    • Example: "Create a summary page in Notion for the current cycle's tasks."

Example Scenarios

  1. Finding and Sharing an Issue:

    • Action: A user finds an issue in Linear and wants to share it with a colleague.
    • Steps:
      • Query Linear: "Find issue KLU-12."
      • Convert to a message: "I found the issue KLU-12 regarding the login bug."
      • Send to Slack: "Send message to [Colleague]: [Link to Issue]"
  2. Creating a Task from an Email:

    • Action: A user receives an email about a new feature request.
    • Steps:
      • Summarize the email in Klu chat: "Create issue: New feature request - [Summary] - [Assignee]."
      • Notify the team in Slack: "I created a new feature request in Linear, send to Slack #product."
  1. Documenting Project Progress:

    • Action: A user wants to document the progress of a project in Notion.
    • Steps:
      • Query Linear: "Show me the progress of the [Project Name]."
      • Create a Notion page: "Document the project progress in Notion: [Summary of Progress]."
      • Share the Notion link in Klu chat for team access.
  2. Cycle Review and Planning:

    • Action: At the end of a cycle, the user wants to review tasks.
    • Steps:
      • Query Linear: "What tasks were completed in the last cycle?"
      • Summarize in Klu chat: "We completed the following tasks: [List of Tasks]."
      • Discuss any unfinished tasks and plan for the next cycle.
  3. Creating a New Task:

    • Action: A user wants to create a task based on a workdoc.
    • Steps:
      • Query: "Summarize the workdoc for the product launch."
      • Create a task: "Create a task from the workdoc summary for the product launch."
      • Assign the task to a team member for follow-up.
  4. Collaborating with Colleagues:

    • Action: A user wants to follow up with a colleague about a task.
    • Steps:
      • Query: "Ask [Colleague] about the status of the task [Task Title]."
      • Klu sends a message in Slack, prompting a quick response from the colleague.


Klu’s integration with Linear provides a powerful way to manage tasks, projects, and team collaboration. By leveraging Klu’s capabilities, users can streamline their workflows, access important information quickly, and enhance communication within their teams.

With features like fetching tasks, checking statuses, summarizing workdocs, and sending updates to Slack, Klu makes it easy to stay organized and informed. Explore how Klu can transform your project management experience with Linear!


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